The Inaugural Post
***Originally posted here***
Ah, the first post. If you’re a veteran blogger and somehow stumbled across this, I hope you’re relieved that you didn’t waste a mouse-click on an initial post like the typical:
“This is a test.”
Or this:
“Like OMG, I just got myself this blog thing! Now, Internet Diary, tell me WTF do I write about?!”
Oh and for the creeps that look through random blogs for naked chick pics, sorry, this ain’t it. Although if I could ever get my kitties to stop acting like Israel and Palestine and show some nuzzle nuzzle kissy love, I’ll make sure to post it, virus and spam free of charge.
Now for the official first post. It should be definitive and set the tone for all other posts to follow. It should be concise without being too wordy and should let readers know what to expect in the future. The first post is monumental. It’s ground-breaking. Years from now when people look back at this blog’s origins, they’ll definitely notice the development of this certain blogger’s writing skills, and comment on how much it has progressed over time.
The wait is over.
Here it goes…
With 135 characters to spare, beat that all you bloggers and micro-bloggers! =)