Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The adware infesting my computer is gone, so I can now blog more often now, right? NOT! Stupid cold will keep me away from my computer and force me to stay in bed. So why is my stupid cold stupid then? Yo no se...

The Things You Do For Love

The Things You Do For Love #1 Flew out to Spokane, WA last weekend to visit my Love (yes, cyber Erwin has a girlfriend - a real one!). If it's September and you don't have a future fiancee to visit, then I wonder why you would want to be in this part of the state. Imagine a nice sunny day, blue skies and rolling hills...that are piss yellow. It's like the entire state of Washington took every single dog in the state and gave each dog an acre of eastern Washington from Spokane to Pullman to piss on. Amber waves of grain? America the Beauiful? I think not...

The Things You Do For Love #2 While having dinner with aforementioned Love and her roomate, the subject of airplane meals was brought up. Apparently, being served pop and peanuts does not constitute a meal because it was brought to my attention that some flights do serve (two finger quotes) "real" food. Then on the flight coming home, I was excited that in the duration, I was going to sample my first (two finger quotes) "real" airplane meal. Yippee skippee, a (two finger quotes) "Spanish" omelette! Next time I get offered a so-called real airplane meal, I won't yippee but more like skippee on it. In classic Linda Richards Coffee Talk fashion, I think I'm feeling a bit verklempt, I'll give you a topic:

In an airplane meal, a "Spanish" omelette is neither Spanish nor an omelette, but rather an icebreaker when introducing yourself to the mile-high port-a-potty.

Now talk amongst yourselves (at least until my next post).

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