Sunday, March 07, 2004

Me No Feel So Good

I hate to bring up yesterday's news (errr, my last post) up again, but is the fact that my nose hasn't stopped bleeding profusely on a daily basis someone's way of telling me that I have an overabundance of blood in my system and that instead of gobbing it up in clumps of tissue, maybe I should go to a blood bank and donate the excess instead? Or am I really the subject of some alium experiment that is testing a new form of a gradual and less painful death (aliums are wusses; after being subjected to having to listen to William Hung, they're pretty squeamish on human suffering).

Maybe I've finally hit some post pubescent menstrual stage. I mean, the first time my nose bled last week I was in the shower, and when I looked at the shower floor, there was blood everywhere. I freaked out like a little girl getting her first period. Now a week later, when I feel my crimson tide coming, I calmly plug it up, thinking that it will end eventually (although it always seems to end more later than sooner).

Hopefully the end is near. It's bad enough coming into work many times with red eyes (due to lack of sleep) looking half-blown. The fact that I am constantly rubbing my nose like a guy on really bad coke surely isn't helping my drug-free image.

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