Saturday, May 01, 2004

Am I Wrong?

First off, thanks to work wifey Michelle for confirming what I have been hearing in my head over the last few months - BORING. Yah, Brain Droppings has gone pretty stale since the onset of WrestleMania depression back in March. WrestleMania depression must have set in for Carl and Eric too; though they aren't wrasslin' fans, the thought of missing an opportunity to see oily, grown-up men grabbing and attempting to pin each other has caused both to become truly "happy," which must be the reason why neither queer has posted anything lately on their respective blogs...

...Back to moi...I don't typically buy clothes* unless it's on an as-needed basis, but since I'm travelling to Minneapolis for the week, I thought it would be a good idea to wear some genuinely fresh work clothes (i.e. not Febreze'd and not specially designated "the one" for the day because it was the shirt or pants with the least amount of wrinkles). And since I don't typically buy clothes, I went to a store that I deemed "work clothes worthy": JC Penney's. And since I don't typically buy clothes, buying almost $400 worth of clothes for only about $250 because everything I picked up was on sale so majorly kicked ass....

And since I don't typically buy clothes, what I did when picking out clothes was find a style that I thought was OK (because any guy that "likes" a style is not a guy), and pick up a couple clothes of that style, just in different colors. So, when all was said and done, I bought 3 pairs of the same style pants in different colors, 2 crew neck shirts in different colors, 2 polos in different colors and 2 button-up shirts in different colors. I know this is a pretty "happy" question to ask, but is this clothing taboo in a way similar to Avi wearing dark colored pants with white gym socks? Just asking...

*As opposed to renting clothes, which I have never done in the past, nor plan on doing in the future

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