Thursday, November 13, 2003

Conversation Killa

As long as I am working in the middle of downtown Chicago, there will surely be more of the following:

So I'm on the train...

So I'm on the train coming home from a long day's work, and a co-worker of mine sees me and decides to sit next to me. While I don't mind company on the train, I enjoy my quiet times to myself on the train people watching. This person, however, is not the kind of person I'd choose to talk to over my moments of people observing...

You see, one of my greatest pet peeves is how some people just don't listen. This person likes to ask me questions but not listen to my answers...

So I'm on the train, not really paying attention to her and channelling my focus on other people's train actions when out of nowhere this person asks if I wanted to have kids in the future. Not realizing what the conversation was about, I responded with a dumbfounded "Ummm, yeah." She responded with "Yeah, I want kids too." And this 200+ pound behemoth of female origin said it with a weird gleam in her eye. Like wtf? Was I supposed to take that a certain way?

Dude, the whole thing was totally wrong. I got train sick and claustrophobic all at the same time. And the invisble Erwin that was the people watcher became the people's watchee. The mental images of conception and carrying the fetus in one of her many rolls will forever scar me for life.

Onto brighter things (according to Stacey), the

Daily Fact of the Day: The name Damian is of Greek origin and means "sweet and harmless."

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