Tuesday, November 04, 2003

"Down There In a Few, Bro..."

I'm on my way to Kat's place when on the phone:

Kat: You here?
Erwin: Yeah, I'm here
Kat: Ill be down there in a few, BRO

I got off the phone feeling weird that a female actually called me "bro". It's kinda like a dark skinned person of African origin (to be politically incorrect - black) being called a _igga by someone who wasnt negro (again, black). Not to seem sexist or anything, but guys call each other "bro," I don't think it was a term meant for the sistas to use I guess it would be OK if Kat was a dyke (dykes are pseudo-males), but she shows no dykish tendancies. Wussup with that?!

Anyways, here comes the

Headline of the Day: Scientists Say Video Games Are Addictive A study was done that confirmed what parents have known for years - video games can be addictive. DUH! I find it ironic that scientists have so much spare time on their hands that they're actually researching this when they don't even see the underlying reason for video game-itis: Gaming addicts, like these scientists, have way too much friggin time on their hands

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