Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Learning to Ballet Belay

I've been thinking long and hard (heh, heh, I said long and hard) about New Year's Resolutions lately. There's always the usual weight loss resolution, but other than that, what else do I plan on uhhhh, "resoluting"? Here's one:

Erwin. You need to stop acting gay. So stop acting gay, OK? Just stop acting gay. Please, STOP ACTING GAY!!!

I guess that includes refraining from doing gay things too, like flying kites and carving jack-o'-laterns. I mean, they're not gay to do when you're a kid, but geez, I'm friggin twenty-something years old. That's almost as bad as a grown adult sleeping in bed with a bunch of little kids (ooooh, Michael Jackson dis).

So my first attempt at doing something non-gay involved rock wall climbing and learning to belay (not ballet). The belayer (not balleter) is the person who oversees the person climbing the wall. It was pretty kewl stuff. And actually climbing the wall was kewl too. I learned that not only do I have two left feet, but my uncoordinated self also has two left hands as well. It was good stuff. I'd definitely recommend this non-gay activity.

Daily Quote of the Day: When the Denny's menu says, "Two Eggs, Any Style," don't believe it -- they're lying. Today I tried to order two eggs "doggy style" and they refused. Tomorrow I'm going to try "execution style." - James Rice

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